
Human rights organizations condemn the crackdown on individuals based on their perceived sexual orientation and gender identity It criticizes the state’s disregard for the Constitution and the violation of the rights of individuals to privacy and bodily integrity The undersigned human rights organizations staunchly denounce the Interior Ministry’s crackdown on gay men, trans people and individuals the Egyptian state perceives to be LGBTQ+, which began after several young men and women raised a rainbow flag at a concert on September ٢٢. Fifty seven people have since been arrested, most of whom are being tried by misdemeanor courts in Cairo and Giza on charges of “debauchery.” Ten of these individuals have already been handed sentences ranging from one to six years in prison. Two activists have also been interrogated by State Security Prosecution on charges of waving the flag, “joining an outlawed group that aims to promote homosexuality,” among other charges. The signatories affirm that the methods used to arrest these individuals—whether through electronic entrapment on online dating sites or through pursuit of them in areas thought to be sites frequented by gay people or individuals with sexual orientations and gender identities not widely accepted by Egyptian society—constitute a flagrant violation of the rights of Egyptian citizens to privacy, freedom of expression and control over their own bodies. The sexual orientation of individuals, their identities and their personal practices fall firmly within the scope of their own private affairs, and in no way concern the state. The state has no right to interfere in the private lives of people, except in cases involving violence, minors or non consensual acts. While the police continue to hunt down dozens of gay people, or men who have sex with other men, using vague legal provisions to punish individuals who have not committed any crimes, the judicial system has failed to invest the equivalent amount of effort into investigating and prosecuting cases of female circumcision, child marriage and domestic violence, all of which are serious crimes committed against hundreds of thousands of girls and women each year. This speaks to a state of affairs that drives us to seriously question the priorities of the Interior Ministry at this time, especially concerning gender based violence. The organizations also strongly condemn the incendiary role of the media, which has raced to vilify LGBTQ+ individuals by portraying them as a threat to society through misinformation and hate speech. The signatories express their disbelief that this level of explicit provocation has been allowed to take place at a time of unprecedented restriction on freedom of opinion and expression, as dozens of news outlets and human rights websites that expose state violations or are critical of the government continue to be blocked. As such, we call on all media personalities and members of the press to commit to journalistic integrity and professionalism, to respect the privacy of individuals and not to be driven by incitement to deprive individuals of dignity because of personal practices. On the other hand, the current crackdown constitutes one vicious wave within a broader ongoing campaign targeting Egypt’s LGBTQ+ community, with the number of individuals arrested in Egypt since ٢٠١٣ now approaching ٣٠٠ people. The signatories call on the Egyptian state, and specifically the police, to stop pursuing individuals based on their sexual orientation or gender identity and to stop punishing personal practices that do not harm other citizens. They also call for the immediate release of those arrested during this crackdown, drawing attention to the fact that physical and psychological harm may be inflicted during interrogation, detention or prosecution. The signatories especially criticize violations disguised as medical procedures, such as so called forced “anal examinations” performed by forensic examiners, which have been repeatedly rejected by all international conventions and are considered a grave violation of individuals’ rights to bodily integrity. The signatories demand the following The immediate release of those arrested and a halt to the police’s pursuit of gay men, trans people and individuals the Egyptian state perceives to be LGBTQ+. That the Forensic Authority immediately suspend forced anal examinations, which are a cruel and degrading practice that amount to torture. That the media end its incitement campaign on the LGBTQ+ community, including speech that provokes hatred and violence. The signatory organizations (listed alphabetically) The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information The Association of Freedom of Thought and Expression Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies Al Nadeem Center Hisham Mubarak Law Center Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms Nazra for Feminist Studies
٢٥ يوم لعلاء اليوم الخامس ليه "٢٥ يوم لعلاء"؟ لأن خلال الفترة دي حدثين مهمين جدا هيحددوا فرص خروج علاء قريب من السجن ١ يوم السبت ٣٠ سبتمبر منتظر الحكم على علاء في القضية المعروفة اعلاميا ب "اهانة القضاء", واللي علاء مهدد فيها بانه ياخد حكم بالحبس سنوات تتضاف للحكم اللي بيقضيه حاليا في السجن. ٢ يوم الخميس ١٩ أكتوبر, أخيرا وبعد ما قضى علاء ٣ سنين ونص من الحكم, محكمة النقض هتنظر طعن علاء على حكم قضية الشورى بالسجن ٥ سنين و ٥ سنين مراقبة. النهاردة اليوم الخامس من رحلتنا مع علاء, خلال اليوم هنستعرض مع بعض تفاصيل أكتر عن قضية اهانة القضاء, ونطلب منكم تساعدونا قدر الامكان في النشر عنها. ٢٥ Days for Alaa Day ٥ Why "٢٥ Days for Alaa"? Because within this timeframe there are two critical moments that will determine Alaa's chances of getting out of prison soon. ١ ٣٠th of September Sentencing on the case known as ‘Insulting the Judiciary.’ If found guilty Alaa could be facing even more years in prison. ١٩th of October The appeal hearings begin for Alaa’s current, five year sentence + by five year probation. Today is the ٥th day in our campaign,through out the day we'll share with you more info on the upcoming sentencing and we urge you to help us spread the word about it. FreeAlaa
DETAINEE FALLS INTO A COMA BECAUSE OF MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE IN BORG AL ARAB PRISON Geneva September ٢٦, ٢٠١٧ Hossam Hassan Wahby Hassan is ٣٩ years old and married with ٣ children. On ١١ August ٢٠١٧, he fell into a coma after being administered an overdose of anesthetic by the doctors of Borg Al Arab Prison. While he has been moved to an outside hospital, his condition appears to be worsening. The family is not allowed to have him examined by another doctor and is not informed of the specifics of his condition. In addition, no investigation has been opened by the state regarding the malpractice committed by Borg Al Arab Prison doctors. According to the detainees who were imprisoned with Mr. Hassan, the latter suffered from stomach pain so the prison doctor recommended performing a colonoscopy. Mr. Hassan was sent on ١١ August ٢٠١٧ to the hospital in Borg Al Arab Prison and was scheduled for a colonoscopy. Before it, the doctor in Borg Al Arab’s hospital gave Mr. Hassan an overdose of anesthetic which sent him into a coma. The overdose prevented enough oxygen from reaching his brain (Cerebral hypoxia). On ١١ August ٢٠١٧, he was sent to Nile Hospital in Alexandria. Since his transportation to Nile hospital, the family has not been adequately informed of his condition. The hospital doctors don’t answer their questions in detail. In addition, the doctors monitoring his condition all appear to be young, inexperienced doctors. The family requested to bring in a specialized doctor to examine Mr. Hassan and inform the family of the reality of his condition, but their request was denied. Despite being in a coma for ٤٣ days and counting, Mr. Hassan is handcuffed to his bed, which made his hands and arms swelling. He also developed a venous ulcer (painful sores) in his leg, but the doctors affirmed that this was normal given how long he had been in a coma. His family has been able to acquire some test results to show to an outside doctor who confirmed that his condition is difficult and appears to be worsening, but without access to Mr. Hassan himself there is no way for an outside doctor to be able to accurately diagnose him. His family is not allowed to see him regularly and must first acquire permission from the Prosecution Office, which they can only get once a month, meaning they are officially only allowed to see their relative who is fighting for his life once a month. When they do see him, it is only for a couple of minutes. On ١٩ August ٢٠١٧, the family filed a report against the Prison Warden and the prison’s hospital in Al – Mansheya Courts Complex. They have not received any response on any of their requests, and there is no investigation into the malpractice or medical negligence of the prison and its hospital. Currently, Mr. Hassan is in a coma in Intensive care in Nile hospital in Alexandria with serious concerns on the part of his family if he will ever regain consciousness again. On ١٤ August ٢٠١٣, Mr. Hassan was arrested without being given reasons as to why and without a warrant in a police checkpoint in front of Semoha Security Directorate. He was sentenced to ١٥ years on ٢٨ September ٢٠١٥, on charges of belonging to a banned organization and attempting to damage public property, such as the Tram and Library of Alexandria. Later, possessing of cartridges and Molotov were added to his charges on cases ٦٣٠٠ ٢٠١٣ and ٢٠٠٩١ ٢٠١٣ Felonies Total East Bab Al Maurofa and his appeal was rejected a year later. The Committee for Justice calls upon the relevant Egyptian authorities to administrate to Mr. Hassan a proper treatment in decent, humane conditions and to adequately inform his family of his condition and allow them to visit him. It also demands that Egyptian authorities investigate the malpractice committed by the Borg Al Arab Prison doctors that led a healthy man into a coma.
مصر معتقل يدخل في غيبوبة نتيجة الإهمال الطبي بسجن برج العرب جنيف ٢٦ سبتمبر ٢٠١٧ حسام حسن وهبي حسن عنده ٣٩ سنة، متزوج ولديه ثلاثة أطفال. فى ١١ أغسطس ٢٠١٧, دخل فى غيبوبة بعد إعطاءه جرعة مخدر زائدة من قبل أطباء سجن برج العرب. بالرغم من نقله إلى مستشفى خارجية، يبدو أن حالته تسوء. ليس مسموحا للعائلة الكشف عليه من خلال طبيب خارجي ولم يتم إخطارهم بتفاصيل حالته. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لم يتم فتح أى تحقيق من قبل الدولة بخصوص الخطأ الطبي الذي تم من قبل أطباء مستشفى برج العرب. طبقا لرواية المعتقلين مع الأستاذ حسن، عانى الأخير من ألم في المعدة، على أثره أوصى طبيب السجن بعمل منظار للقولون. تم ارسال الأستاذ حسن بتاريخ ١١ أغسطس ٢٠١٧ إلى مسشفى سجن برج العرب حيث كان مقررا له عمل منظار للقولون. قبل عمل المنظار قام الطبيب بإعطاء الأستاذ حسن جرعة مخدر زائدة دخل على أثرها فى غيبوبة. الغيبوبة أدت إلى منع وصول الأكسجين الكافى إلى مخه (نقص الأكسجة المخى). فى ١١ أغسطس ٢٠١٧, تم ارساله إلى مستشفى النيل بالإسكندرية. منذ نقله إلى مستشفى النيل، لم يتم إخطار أسرته بصورة واضحة طبيعة حالته. أطباء المستشفى لا يردون على أسئلتهم بشكل مفصل. بالإضافة لذلك، الأطباء المشرفون على حالته يبدون جميعا صغار السن، وقليلي الخبرة. طلبت الأسرة إحضار طبيب متخصص للكشف على الأستاذ حسن وإعلامهم بحالته، ولكن قوبل طلبهم بالرفض. على الرغم من بقاءه في غيبوبة لـ ٤٣ يوما ويزيد، الأستاذ حسن مصفد إلى سريره، مما أدى إلى تورم يديه وذراعيه. ظهرت عنده قرحة وريديه في ساقه، ولكن الأطباء أكدوا أن ذلك طبيعى نظرا للفترة التى قضاها فى غيبوبة. استطاعت أسرته التحصل على بعض نتائج التحاليل لعرضها على طبيب خارجي، والذي أكد أن حالته صعبة ويبدو أنها تسوء، ولكن بدون القدرة على الوصول لأستاذ حسن نفسه لا توجد وسيلة من الخارج ليتمكن أى طبيب من الوصول الى التشخيص الصحيح. أسرته لا يتم إعطائها الحق في زيارته بصفة دورية، ويجب عليها الحصول على موافقة مكتب النيابة مسبقا، والذي يمكنهم الحصول عليه مرة واحدة في الشهر، وعندما يقوموا برؤيته يكون ذلك لبضع دقاق فقط. فى ١٩ أغسطس ٢٠١٧, قدمت الأسرة شكوى ضد مأمور السجن ومستشفى السجن في مجمع محاكم المنشية. لم يحصلوا على رد على أي من استفساراتهم، ولم يتم عمل تحقيق في الخطأ والإهمال الطبي في السجن والمستشفى التابع له. حاليا الأستاذ حسن مازال فى غيبوبة فى العناية المركزة بمستشفى النيل بالإسكندرية، مع وجود قلق شديد من جانب الأسرة بخصوص إحتمالية عدم إفاقته أبدا. في ١٤ أغسطس ٢٠١٣, تم اعتقال الأستاذ حسن فى نقطة تفتيش أمام إدارة أمن سموحة بدون إعطائه أية أسباب وبدون وجود مذكرة اعتقال. يوم ٢٨ سبتمبر ٢٠١٥ حكم عليه بالسجن ١٥ عاما، بتهم الانتماء لجماعة محظورة ومحاولة تخريب الممتلكات العامة، مثل الترام ومكتبة الإسكندرية. بعدها تم إضافة تهم حيازة خراطيش ومولوتوف للقضية ٦٣٠٠ ٢٠١٣ و٢٠٠٩١ ٢٠١٣ جنح كلي شرق باب المعروفة، ورفض طلب استئنافه بعدها بعام. تطالب”كوميتى فور جستس” السلطات المصرية بتقديم معاملة بطريقة إنسانية لائقة للأستاذ حسن، وإبلاغ أسرته بتفاصيل حالته والسماح لهم بزيارته. كما تطالب السلطات المصرية بعمل تحقيق بخصوص الخطأ الطبي الذي قام به أطباء مستشفى برج العرب. والذي أدى إلى إدخال رجل بصحة جيدة فى حالة غيبوبة
السيد محمد السيد عمر حسين، ٢٧ سنة، فنى انتاج في شركة الماكس للملاحات مختفي قسريا من ٨ ابريل ٢٠١٧ شهادة الوالد كما وردت إلينا الساعة ٢ بعد نصف ليل ٨ ابريل ٢٠١٧ كسروا الباب علينا واحنا نايمين، كانوا ٥ أفراد أمن، ٣ دخلوا الشقة، واتنين برشاشات فضلوا على الباب. فتشوا البيت مالقوش حاجة. اخدوا ابنى "السيد" وقالوا سؤالين وهايرجع على طول. وأخدوا بطاقته وفلوسه والفيزا كارد وكتابين صغيرين من مكتبته. من يومها بادور عليه في كل أقسام الشرطة من العامرية للمنتزة. أرسلت تلغرافات لوزير الداخلية ومحامى عام نيابات الإسكندرية واتصلت بشرطة النجدة. ماحدش عارف مكانه وماحدش رضى يعمل لى محضر. ولغاية دلوقتى ماعرفش عنه حاجة (٣ مايو ٢٠١٧) إبنى بيقضى يومه كله في الشغل في الشمس، بيرجع تعبان ينام لثانى يوم. السيد خاطب وبيجهز شقته وانا كنت مدير في نفس الشركة وعلى المعاش. أمه عندها انهيار عصبى من ساعتها، عمر ما حصل لنا حاجة زى كده وابنى مالوش في اى حاجة وانا مابنامش، مش عارف أعمل ايه.