N.Y. political web ads will have to reveal who’s paying bill

about 6 years in NY Daily

Online political ads in New York elections will have to disclose who’s paying for them under legislation signed by Gov. Cuomo Wednesday.

Cuomo cast the new law as a response to Russian meddling in the 2016 election, and a way to update old election laws for the digital age.

Now, ads placed on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google will have to include a line saying who paid the bill, the same way TV and radio ads have long been required to.

Websites will be barred from selling political ads to foreign entities.

“The law has not kept up with technology,” Cuomo said before signing the bill at Cardozo Law School in Manhattan Wednesday. “What possible logic would say not on TV, not on radio, not in the newspaper, not on a piece of mail, but when it comes to Facebook then you can say whatever you want, anyone can pay for it and there’s no disclosure whatsoever? There is no rationale.”

The legislation mirrors a federal proposal known as the Honest Ads Act, which has not passed Congress.

A shadowy Russian company with ties to the Kremlin bought ads on Facebook and Google that reached millions of Americans during the 2016 federal election.

Cuomo bemoaned a “toxic cocktail” of widespread social media use and foreign influence peddling that has undermined confidence in democracy. “It destabilizes the nation,” he said.

Under the New York law, digital ad buyers must register as independent expenditure committees. In addition to identifying the buyer, online ads by independent spenders must say they were not authorized by any candidate.

The requirements will cover paid online political content related to state and local elections, paid for by candidates’ campaigns or outside expenditure groups, including posts like promoted tweets, according to Cuomo’s office.

“It will fundamentally change the way campaigns happen in the state of New York. There will be more disclosure, more information,” the governor said.

The New York News Publishers Association raised concerns about the bill, which president Diane Kennedy said does not define what counts as an online platform and requires sites to verify an independent expenditure committee’s registration with the state or face fines.

“You don’t want news organizations to be used as an arm of the government agency,” she said.

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