Cop says ex DA showered him with gifts to get gun license faster

about 6 years in NY Daily

He sold his badge for Barbies and baseballs.

Former NYPD Sgt. David Villanueva, a longtime supervisor in the department’s License Division, testified Tuesday that he accepted greenbacks and goodies from Former Assistant Brooklyn District Attorney John Chambers and other gun expediters, to speed up the permitting process.

Villanueva — who in February 2017 pleaded guilty to accepting illicit gifts — took the stand against Chambers in Manhattan Federal Court, where the self-described “top firearms licensing attorney in New York” is now on trial facing bribery charges.

Chambers, 63, began laying it on thick in 2006, when he took Villanueva, and their wives, to Carmine’s in Midtown for the ex-cop’s birthday — surprising him with Broadway tickets.

Later that year, Chambers took the couple out to Carmine’s once again, for the birthday of Villanueva’s then-wife.

Over beers, Chambers complained the licensing process was slow-moving, according to Villanueva’s testimony.

“I kind of figured that sooner or later, I’d be asked a favor,” said Villanueva, who investigated incidents that could lead to the revocation of gun permits.

The birthday dinners continued over the years, as did a steady stream of gifts such as sports memorabilia and theater tickets.

FBI Special Agent Bard Hubbard, who testified shortly before Villanueva, showed the jury a box that Chambers allegedly sent to him in August 2013, with presents for his kids.

Those items — which Hubbard placed on the jury box — included two special edition Barbie dolls and signed baseballs, as well as an autographed photo of Mickey Mantle.

That same summer, Chambers asked Villanueva to prevent one client’s four licenses from getting revoked.

The client, a watch dealer, had been involved in several alleged domestic violence incidents, said Villanueva, 44.

“He told me that there’d be a watch in it for me,” Villanueva said.

After Villanueva intervened, the client lost two licenses but managed to keep two.

Villanueva got a Paul Picot timepiece — which prosecutors have valued at $8,000 — in return.

Villanueva also testified he pocketed some $20,000 from gun expediter Alex “Shaya” Lichtenstein, who pleaded guilty in November 2016 to bribing cops.

He also said he attended parties thrown by license broker Frank Soohoo, who pleaded guilty in October 2016 to plying cops in the division with free liquor and food.

While there were prostitutes at two of Soohoo’s parties, Villanueva testified, he claims not to have had relations with them.

After Villanueva’s testimony concluded for the day, Chambers’ lawyers revealed that he will testify in his defense.

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