Jimmy Kimmel can't hide glee at Sean Hannity Michael Cohen tie

about 6 years in NY Daily

The client behind Door No. 3 was Sean Hannity.

Hours after a judge forced Michael Cohen, President Trump’s personal lawyer, to disclose that the Fox News host was his secret client — along with Elliott Broidy, a GOP donor who paid $1.6 million to a Playboy model who got pregnant during their affair — Jimmy Kimmel relayed the news to his viewers with glee.

Hannity’s initial defense was that Cohen never took a dime from him for his services.

“That sounds normal: He has a lawyer – he doesn’t pay. By the way, I’m thinking of hiring Michael Cohen as my lawyer,” Kimmel said. “He only has three clients and apparently, he works for free. He doesn’t take money from anyone.”

The late show host also questioned Hannity’s defense that his conversations with Cohen never involved a third party.

“What kind of legal advice doesn’t involve a third party?” he said. “Unless maybe Sean Hannity is thinking of suing himself?”

Cohen, meanwhile, agreed to pay porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 less than two weeks before the election in order to keep her from talking about her alleged affair with the President.

Kimmel and Hannity have been dueling for weeks after the comedian mocked First Lady Melania Trump and her accent.

Hannity punched back, deeming Kimmel “Harvey Weinstein Jr.”

“I have just had it with the utter hypocrisy — the unrelenting attacks against not only a sitting President, but his wife and his daughter and his 11-year-old son,” Hannity said on his show in early April.

On social media, the Fox News host continued his attack, threatening to release old clips from Comedy Central’s “The Man Show,” which Kimmel used to host, using the #PervertKimmel hashtag.

Kimmel offered a semblance of an apology, which Hannity accepted live on his show.

"While I admit I did have fun with our back and forth, after some thought, I realize that the level of vitriol from all sides (mine and me included) does nothing good for anyone and, in fact, is harmful to our country," Kimmel wrote on Twitter, noting that he and his family had been receiving death threats from angry Hannity fans.

"I am hopeful that Sean Hannity will learn from this too and continue his newly-found advocacy for women, immigrants and First Ladies and that he will triumph in his heroic battle against sexual harassment and perversion.”

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