Alan Dershowitz scolds Sean Hannity for Michael Cohen coverup

about 6 years in NY Daily

Conservative mouthpiece Sean Hannity got an earful on his show Monday night from Harvard law Prof. Alan Dershowitz for hiding his relationship with Trump’s beleaguered lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Cohen, who was in Manhattan Federal Court in the afternoon, trying to prevent federal investigators from looking through 10 boxes of records seized from his apartment, hotel room and office last week, confessed to the court that the Republican TV talkshow host was a client.

Previously, Cohen had only admitted to having two other clients.

The first and foremost President Trump, who allegedly used him to pay hush money to playmates and porn stars. The other client, Republican venture capitalist Elliot Broidy, who used him to pay $1.6 million to a Playboy playmate he impregnated.

Speculation swirled all day about what kind of work Cohen did for Hannity.

The former O.J. Simpson lawyer scolded the TV pundit for creating the cloud of speculation by not disclosing his relationship with Cohen before.

“First of all, Sean, I want to say that I really think that you should have disclosed your relationship with Cohen when you talked about him on this show,” Dershowitz said. “You could have said that you had asked him for advice or whatever. But I think it would have been much, much better how do you that relationship.”

Hannity bristled at the admonishment, dismissing the relationship as minimal.

“You are in a tough position,” Dershowitz continued. “You had to talk about Cohen and you didn't want the fact that you had spoken to him to be revealed.”

Hannity teased viewers about how he used Cohen’s legal services for the remainder of the show, finally providing an explanation in the last five minutes.

“Let me set the record straight,” Hannity said. “Here's the truth. Michael Cohen never represented me represented me in any legal manner. I never retained his services. I never received an invoice. I never paid Michael Cohen for legal fees. I did have occasional brief conversations with Michael Cohen. He is a great attorney, about legal questions I had. Or I was looking for input and perspective. My discussions with Michael Cohen never rose to any level that I needed to tell anyone that I was asking him questions. To be absolutely clear, they never involved any matter with a third party.”

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