New Yorkers face quality of life issues due to influx of homeless

over 6 years in NY Daily

On a Saturday morning in September, the residential streets of Kips Bay, Manhattan, resembled “Night of the Living Dead.”

A man with a face the color of bricks lay sprawled on the sidewalk next to a playground entrance, his hand casually draped over his walker. Another man snored peacefully on a bed made of seat cushions with a football for a pillow in the doorway of an empty storefront.

Three more lay on various sidewalks, forcing passersby to veer around them.

Outside a Fairway on Second Ave., one particularly weather-beaten man with a scruffy beard slowly pulled himself to his feet, his tongue darting in and out of his mouth as he swayed to and fro.

Shoppers quickly edged away from him, but one silver-haired couple stopped and handed him paper money.

The man said, “Thank you sir,” and bowed, then stood for some time staring at the money before shuffling away.

Disturbing scenes like this play out with varying frequency across the city, but in neighborhoods like Kips Bay — home to the 30th St. Men’s Shelter, one of New York’s biggest homeless facilities — they have become a daily endurance test.

The Daily News spent three months looking at life in neighborhoods with large numbers of shelter beds, documenting the cost these residents pay by shouldering a disproportionate share of the city’s collective burden.

The News found they often face a wide variety of challenges: verbal harassment and physical assaults; stoops used as bathrooms; outdoor flowerpots used to hide knives; prostitution and drug dealing; newly arrived gentrifiers unable to tell the difference between some longtime homeowners and shelter residents; real estate brokers warning that property values fall when new shelters are announced nearby; and a pastor who lost half his congregation after a parishioner was raped by homeless youths from a nearby shelter.

These are the discomfiting realities Mayor de Blasio must confront as he struggles with the sobering reality of more than 60,000 people occupying city shelters each night, up from 51,000 when he arrived in January 2014.

The mayor did not create this problem. It’s been growing for years, through the administrations of Ed Koch, David Dinkins, Rudy Giuliani and particularly Michael Bloomberg.

But after four years at City Hall, the ball is now officially in de Blasio’s court.

About a year ago, the mayor announced his plan to seize control, dubbed “Turning the Tide.”

He promised a “holistic” approach that would move homeless people from hotels and private “cluster site” apartments to 90 new city-run shelters he was going to set up around the city.

With the census population holding at 60,000 after years of steady growth, DHS spokesman, Isaac McGinn, said the de Blasio team has “finally broken the trajectory of growth in homelessness, and the new programs, reforms and investments we are implementing are taking hold.”

Twelve months after Turning the Tide’s debut, however, the plan has run into some pretty serious headwinds.

The mayor promised 20 new shelters within a year but to date has opened 11. The headcount in shelters still tops 60,000. De Blasio has reduced the number of “cluster sites” by 35%, but has increased the use of hotels from 84 to 91.

The mayor still has to open 79 new shelters to meet his promise of 90. Placing them will present a serious challenge to de Blasio as he begins his second term — and force him to grapple with neighborhood demands for fairness.

De Blasio has made a point of saying he wants shelters created where homeless people have prior ties. This will encourage what he calls “community connections,” the mayor insists.

But in practical terms, that has meant placing more indigent individuals in neighborhoods that already house a significant number of shelters.

Eight of the first 11 new facilities opened in the last year are in neighborhoods with hundreds of existing beds.

For the most part, New Yorkers in high-shelter neighborhoods have sympathy for those who have no place to call home. They understand that a homeless man or woman — no matter their appearance or demeanor — is someone's son or daughter.

At the same time, the presence of so many shelters can do a number on a neighborhood’s quality of life. Maintaining that sympathy can sometimes be a struggle.

This pattern can be seen in a News’ review of 311 data about “homeless encampment” and “homeless person assistance” calls in the last few years.

Citywide, the number of 311 calls about the homeless has gone up year by year, starting with 613 in 2013 and peaking at 45,647 in 2016. It fell back to 23,386 last year but the calls pour in from all over.

Midtown zip codes near big transit buildings where the homeless often seek refuge have lots of calls. So do Queens zip codes where there are many hotels where the city places the homeless. The number of 311 homeless calls are also high around Crown Heights, Brooklyn, and Jamaica, Queens, where a large number of shelter beds are clustered.

In the Kips Bay zip code that encompasses the 30th St. Men’s Shelter there are 1,158 shelter beds — one of the highest concentrations in the city.

Since 2013, there have been 3,452 calls to 311 related to homeless outreach in that zip code alone.

The calls have increased from 17 in 2013, rising steadily to 1,840 in 2016. The number fell back to 1,135 last year — yet it’s still one of the highest rates of 311 homeless calls in the city.

The residents in that neighborhood say most of the calls are tied to residents who stay overnight in the 30th St. Men’s Shelter, then wander the streets during the day.

On a sunny day in September, a none-too-pleased mom sat on a bench in the Vincent Albano Playground at E. 29th St., two blocks west of the shelter. She’d instructed her 9-year-old son and his friend to play only in a certain section of the playground.

That’s because on a nearby bench a middle-aged man was peeling off his shirt while fishing out a new one from one of his many plastic bags.

At the other end of the playground, another man huddled on a bench. Around him — up to his neck — were a half-dozen plastic bags stuffed with his life's possessions.

“This is pretty typical, where I’m not going to let them play in a part of the playground,” said the mother, who did not want her name published. “My kids are old enough to go to the park by themselves, and I can’t let them do that.”

In Kips Bay and around the city, the intersection of haves and have-nots is most often benign — albeit sometimes disconcerting.

But sometimes it can escalate.

Mauro Pennachia, 46, who’s lived his entire life across from the 30th St. Men’s Shelter that was once the Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital, says things have gotten significantly more confrontational of late.

Years ago, he says, a handful of psychiatric residents walked the streets begging for money. They would accept rejection, by saying “God bless,” and walking away, he said.

Today, shelter residents are much more numerous on the streets — and some react to a “no” by yelling and making threats.

The situation leaves him wrestling with a mixture of fury and pity. A toothless shelter resident once accosted his wife as she and a friend ate breakfast at an outdoor restaurant on Second Ave. When she declined his demand for money, the beggar became enraged and began shouting at them.

As she called 911 on her cell phone, the angry panhandler crossed the street — but kept up his harangue across the traffic. Pennachia, who works around the corner as a hospital administrator, happened upon the scene and confronted the man.

“He said, ‘I’m just trying to get some money, man. This is my corner.’ I said, ‘This is not your corner ... There’s a school right around the corner,’” Pennachia said. “He said, ‘I didn't know that.’”

The man walked away without further incident, but “I felt bad for him,” Pennachia said.

Last summer, his wife changed her usual jogging route after a more malevolent incident.

Around 1 p.m. on July 22, Henry German, 83, a six-foot, 171 pound former resident of the 30th St. Men’s Shelter, returned to his old haunts.

Police say he randomly attacked two strangers on the sidewalk across from the shelter. First he plunged an ice pick into the chest of a man, puncturing his lung. Then he grabbed a woman by the neck and began to choke her. She managed to break away and he ran off.

When he was arrested, law enforcement linked him to yet another attack that took place in October 2016 — also across from the shelter. In that case, they say, German stabbed a stranger, an elderly man walking with a cane along First Ave. German ordered the man to drop the walking stick, then rushed at him.

Pennachia said everyone in the neighborhood heard about the July ice pick attack shortly after it happened. He noted that it followed an April 2016 incident inside the 30th St. Men’s Shelter when one resident butchered his roommate, walked out of the building and disappeared. Cops arrested the roommate, William Smith, 53, a few days later and charged him with murder.

Pennachia says residents in his building have discovered large knives buried in flowerpots outside the front door left by shelter residents who couldn’t get them past the shelter’s metal detectors.

For years, Pennachia says, he’s hounded the city Department of Homeless Services to address problems outside the shelter, but the reaction is always the same:

“DHS’s approach is once they’re outside our building, it’s not our problem,” he said. After DHS put “No Loitering” signs on fences outside the shelter last year, the residents simply started hanging out across First Ave.

The idea of placing another shelter in a neighborhood like this infuriates some of the residents who live there.

Protests over more incoming beds have erupted in other shelter-heavy communities in Harlem and in Maspeth and Elmhurst, Queens, as well as Bedford-Stuyvesant and Crown Heights in Brooklyn. And the friction always seems to be made worse by the way de Blasio and his team handle the task.

When de Blasio announced Turning the Tide, he admitted communication with neighborhoods was inadequate and promised to give 30-day notice to communities when a new permanent shelter is proposed.

Since then, however, he’s added 13 more hotels as shelters, and done so with only last-minute notice. Typically, neighborhoods learn a hotel will be used as a shelter just 24 hours before the transition occurs.

The mayor argues that because such set-ups aren’t permanent, short notice is okay — even though in most cases the hotels wind up as shelters for months and even years.

Last month, Midtown residents erupted over the city’s last-minute notice of plans to turn a hotel at 158 W. 58th St. into a shelter.

Councilman Keith Powers said the city only confirmed the shelter plan on Jan. 9 after he called them up. In fact, the building’s owner revealed his plans to turn it into a shelter in a building department permit filed with the city a month earlier on Dec. 11.

Criticized for lack of timely communication, the mayor defended the city’s notification protocols, but also made clear that in the end, the city can put a shelter wherever it wants.

“If you go all over New York City and just ask the simple question to people, ‘Would you like to see a homeless shelter here in the neighborhood?’ the answer will be pretty much no across the board,” the mayor said, quickly adding, “We have the authority to open these facilities where we deem appropriate.”

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