Guys Are Having A Ball With This New Grooming Fad

over 6 years in Huffpost

Testicular botox is growing in popularity. Yes, it's the new grooming trend where men are injected with botox in their testicles.
Popular in Europe and the U.S., people are talking about it.

Botox for the scrotum? #Scrotox
— Dave Morse (@daveattwin) January 16, 2018

Here are five things you need to know about 'scrotoxing' or 'ball ironing' -- as it's colloquially known.
1. It smoothes out wrinkles
Its growing popularity is due to its aesthetic nature -- specifically to smooth out wrinkles on the testes and make them look bigger.
"The most interesting part to me is that it would improve my sex life," 35-year-old John Perez told GQ magazine. "That it would make everything more sensitive."
Perez reports feeling increased sensitivity and adds that he was surprised at how much he enjoyed the new, smoother appearance of his testicular area.

A post shared by Dra Isabella Redighieri (@draisabellaredighieri) on Apr 21, 2017 at 4:52am PDT

2. 'Bigger' appearance
Apart from smoothing the skin, New-York based plastic surgeon, Dr John Mesa, told Men's Health scrotox allows the testicles to hang down further and appear bigger -- which may be another attraction for men.
Perez confirmed this, saying he looked 'bigger' after the procedure.

A post shared by The Aesthetic Clinic (@aestheticclinic) on Feb 24, 2017 at 2:55am PST

3. The procedure
Doctors apply a cream to numb the area and inject the testicle skin (no needles go into the actual sack).
"Technically, it's more painful to get botox in your groin than in your face because it is a much more sensitive area," Dr Mesa admits. "But we minimise that with a topical anesthetic. And once the numbing meds kick in, you won't feel anything."
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4. Side effects
"I do tell my patients that it could potentially affect their sperm count," urologist, Dr Seth Cohen, pointed out to GQ. "Your scrotum contracts and expands to help regulate temperature for optimal health for your sperm." So if you're actively seeking to have children, Cohen suggests staying away from the needle.
5. Wrinkles never go away
The scrotox effect lasts for about four months. Over time, testicles develop wrinkles due to changing temperatures -- when it's warmer, the scrotum relaxes, and in colder conditions they contract.

A post shared by Anthony Youn, MD, FACS (@tonyyounmd) on Jun 28, 2017 at 7:09am PDT

Perez is all for the surgery, saying he'd do it again. "My doctor was a little more conservative in what he gave me," he said. "Next time I'd ask him to be a little more aggressive because I liked the results."
Notably, however, not much research has been conducted on the medical benefits or long-term effects of scrotox, making it an entirely cosmetic procedure.

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