Jessica Chastain felt speaking about Weinstein would hurt career

over 6 years in NY Daily

Jessica Chastain feared speaking out against Harvey Weinstein would ruin her career — but that didn't stop her.

The actress — who was just nominated for a Golden Globe for her role in Aaron Sorkin's "Molly's Game" — told the New York Times on Monday that she was shocked at the nomination considering she had spoken out about Weinstein's slew of sexual assault allegations on Twitter.

"To be honest, I'm mainly surprised about my nomination. As an actor, I have a lot of fear, thinking that if I speak my mind, or something that feels like it deviates from the norm as a woman, am I going to be made to disappear in my industry? When the article came out about Weinstein, I immediately started tweeting," she told The Times.

"I've got a good group of girlfriends on WhatsApp, and I said, 'I'm really terrified I'm destroying my career right now. I wonder if people will still see me as an actress, and want to work with knowing I have these opinions,'" Chastain continued.

After the first several women came forward to accuse Weinstein of sexual misconduct, including Ashley Judd and Rose McGowan, Chastain took to Twitter to share heard of the Hollywood producer's bad behavior.

"I was warned from the beginning," the actress tweeted on Oct. 9. "The stories were everywhere. To deny that is to create an environment for it to happen again."

Just last week, the 40-year-old said on "The Graham Norton Show" that as she continued to tweet about it, she was told by a famous actor that she should "calm down."

"I found that heartbreaking," she said. "And can only think he didn't understand the movement that was happening."

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