Rish!, the tough guy for tough times, gives the UK one last chance with him

4 months in The guardian

The world is terrible and will get worse. There are evil empires out there. The PM delivered the news in the style of a chatbotIt came billed as a landmark speech. Another one. And in a sense it was. Though not in the way that Rishi Sunak would have wanted. The landmark was merely a new low. The last throw of the dice from a desperate man. The prime minister who can’t buy a break. A sad mini-man howling into the wind.Hard to believe that Rish! has only been in Downing Street just over 18 months. Because in that time he’s had at least seven relaunches, each one less successful than the last. There’s only so many times you can try to win over an uninterested public before you have to accept that the product is a dud. Continue reading...

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