An outbreak of electile dysfunction puts Westminster in performance mode

about 1 month in The guardian

The government was determined to make this a good news day. It’s just a shame reality isn’t more obligingThere’s something about the proximity of an election that sends MPs into a tailspin. Especially if they know their party will be taking a hammering. Otherwise moderately intelligent men and women – people who, on a good day, can be relied upon to dress themselves – stand up to make fools of themselves by professing undying loyalty to a lost cause. Generally, by inventing facts to suit themselves. The political wing of the Flat Earth Society. Call it election derangement syndrome. Electile dysfunction.Even Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak seemed to be affected. Neither were on top of their game for the last prime minister’s questions before Thursday’s local elections. They even forgot to personally abuse each other. That bad. Though some may think that’s no bad thing. Rather, they were merely focused on getting out their election messages in the mistaken belief that someone might be listening. Continue reading...

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