Martin Scorsese to revive Frank Sinatra biopic with Leonardo DiCaprio

about 2 months in The guardian

The director is planning to return to his long-delayed project with Jennifer Lawrence co-starring as Ava Gardner – but rights may prove a stumbling-blockMartin Scorsese is reportedly reviving his dormant Frank Sinatra biopic, with regular collaborator Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead role.According to Variety, Scorsese is planning to start filming a Sinatra project directly after completing shooting on his film about Jesus, adapted from a book by Japanese writer Shūsaku Endō. Variety also suggested that DiCaprio will play Sinatra while Jennifer Lawrence will be cast as Ava Gardner, who was married to the singer between 1951 and 1957. However, Variety reports that Scorsese has not yet secured the approval of Sinatra’s daughter Tina, who controls her father’s music and image rights. Continue reading...

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