The Regime Kate Winslet is funny every time in this bizarre political drama

2 months in The guardian

The actor puts in a huge performance as the Chancellor of a fictional European nation. The moral seems to be: ‘Kate Winslet’s being a bit weird, isn’t she?’You know what would be genuinely good and interesting? If someone made a miniseries with a big actor or actress that really sunk its fangs into this particular fiddling-while-Rome-burns political moment. As in: we keep being fed a pablum of culture war to distract us from the cost of living crisis that is precipitating an arguably even bigger financial disaster lurking on the horizon. The fact that we’re teetering on the brink of about a dozen different crises would be slightly more bearable if it didn’t feel like the politicians in charge of it cared about nothing other than the being a politician-ness of it. They’ve got one eye on the after-dinner speaking gigs and the consultancy roles they’ve already been taken to lunch at The Berkeley about. They’re fine.So, you know. That feels like it could be a good background setting for a TV show. Continue reading...

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