Cult or political party?

3 months in TT News day

THE EDITOR: I wasn’t sure if I was witnessing a cult or a political party as MP after MP released statements pledging their support for Kamla Persad-Bissessar.
Having always reserved the label of cult for the PNM, it was sad to see what the UNC had become.
The saddest part for me is that Persad-Bissessar should know better because she was the one who had to tell Basdeo Panday that his time had passed, just like Ruston Paray and others are trying to tell her now.
Not only are we looking at another five years of suffering under Keith Rowley, but we can’t call him a dictator because refusing to have internal elections is just as dictatorial.
And don’t ask for independent voters like those who followed the COP in 2010. This is turning us off badly because if Persad-Bissessar could act against her own, Paray, the way she’s doing, imagine what she will do if we make her prime minister again.
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