‘Always a mistake to underestimate Kevin Rudd’ Former PM ‘fantastic’ as Australia’s US ambassador

5 months in news

Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister Patrick Gorman says former prime minister Kevin Rudd is doing a “fantastic job” as the Ambassador of Australia to the United States.

“For some of those who had low expectations of Kevin, I’d say it’s always a mistake to underestimate Kevin Rudd,” Mr Gorman told Sky News Australia.

“I think he’s done a fantastic job as our ambassador – we saw some footage of him at the ‘G’Day Australia’ event earlier this week with some well-known Australian celebrities.

“It’s the job of all of our ambassadors and high commissioners to build relationships across the political spectrum in the countries that they operate to further Australia’s interests.

“Kevin’s doing that, we welcome it, and we saw that with the state visit at the end of last year.”

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