New Hampshire Governor confident ‘every new vote’ in the state is ‘likely to be with Nikki’

5 months in news

New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu says the probable “higher voter turnout” in the state’s primary will give Nikki Haley a better chance of defeating Donald Trump.

“The big thing that we’re focusing on here in New Hampshire and I think ultimately will have to happen in South Carolina, is getting out the vote,” Mr Sununu told Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan.

“Where Iowa fell really flat – what did Trump get, like 56,000 votes – 56,000 people out of over three million Iowa dictated that Trump was going to be the nominee.

“Whereas in New Hampshire, again, we’ll have a much higher voter turnout so the higher the voter turnout the more likely Nikki is to defeat Trump.

“Because every new vote that comes to the table is more likely to be with Nikki.”

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