Beautiful thing to see in sweet Trinidad and Tobago

8 months in TT News day

THE EDITOR: It's a beautiful thing to see in TT:
At Divali time, people of all creeds and races dress beautifully in Indian wear and proudly go to their offices. They partake in the celebrations, tens of thousands flock to the Divali Nagar and to Ramleela events.
During Eid, Muslim brothers and sisters who are fasting are respected. I am sure everyone has received invitations from their Muslim neighbours at Eid. Our Muslim community engages in philanthropy year-round, assisting any citizen who is in need.
At Christmas, there is so much love and harmony. Everyone enjoys our Christmas celebrations, united by a universal respect for the teachings of Jesus Christ.
At Shouter Baptist Liberation Day, again everyone comes together and gives praise dressed in magnificent African clothing.
We are a loving, warm, all-embracing people.
Look at what is happening in other parts of the world – ideologically driven wars and strife.
Thankfully that does not exist in sweet TT.
In our population of 1.4 million, the majority are law-abiding, all-embracing, loving, kind, and encompass Caribbean love and unity.
We should never let a handful of people ever cut the colourful and harmonious tapestry of our land and culture.
We must always foster love and unity. I am a Hindu who is also baptised in the Shouter Baptist faith. My husband is a Presbyterian, and my only daughter-in-law is a Muslim. In my home, many faiths of our beautiful country are represented.
As a national leader, I will always love and care for all our beautiful citizens in this nation equally, regardless of creed, race, ethnicity, religion, or political affiliation. That is my duty, that is my responsibility, that is my love for every one of you all.


Opposition Leader
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