Tobago Business Chamber Stakeholders must be included in cross party crime talks

9 months in TT News day

THE Tobago Business Chamber has called for stakeholder involvement in any proposed crime discussion between the government and Opposition.
In applauding Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar’s decision to meet with the government to discuss the worsening crime situation, the chamber’s chairman Martin George said on Wednesday, “Each day, we read of more horrendous and horrific murders being committed with impunity, most of them with guns and some of them with high-powered assault rifles. We need to all work together to find solutions and we see this as an important first step.”
H continued, “Of course, we want to see it matched by actions, not just words from the government or words from the Opposition. We want to see other stakeholders involved.”
George said the chamber is willing to be part of any discussion to find solutions.
He added, “As a director of Crime Stoppers, I pledge the support of the Crime Stoppers organisation and I know our chairman John Aboud will support any initiative, which will be fighting crime in Trinidad and Tobago through the use of the Crime Stoppers hotline.”
George believes the war on crime can be won if people are united.
“We are certain that if we all work together we can find solutions and we can find our way out of this debacle in which we all find ourselves. Because it is a lose, lose situation if this scenario continues for much longer in Trinidad and Tobago. We are all under threat. We are all under the gun. We are all living in fear and this cannot be allowed to continue.
“It is an unsustainable scenario and we, of the Tobago Business Chamber, maintain our commitment to assist the government in whatever way possible, to be part of any talks with the government, with Opposition, with other business chambers, other stakeholders, to be part of implementing actual solutions so that we can ensure that we have a safe Trinidad and Tobago for all of us to be able to exist in and enjoy.”
The post Tobago Business Chamber: Stakeholders must be included in cross-party crime talks appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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