Nicholas Tresilian obituary

10 months in The guardian

My friend and neighbour Nicholas Tresilian, who has died of cancer aged 85, was a broadcaster and entrepreneur who presented BBC Two’s Late Night Line-Up, set up radio stations in eastern Europe and was a co-founder of Classic FM.It was Nicholas’s natural ease and talent on the BBC Two programme Writers’ World with Melvyn Bragg that prompted a producer of Late Night Line-Up (LNLU) to invite him to join the early LNLU team (1964-65). Presenting alongside Joan Bakewell, he interviewed many people then in the news including Barbara Cartland, Tariq Ali, Marianne Faithfull and Andrew Loog Oldham. Nicholas went on to write, direct and narrate Private Landscapes (1974), a series of BBC films on new British art, exploring the work of artists Peter Blake, Joe Tilson, Richard Smith and David Inshaw. Continue reading...

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