NYS Dems roll out ad linking Westchester County exec to Trump

over 6 years in NY Daily

ALBANY - With just five days to go before the election, the state Democratic Party is unveiling a hard-hitting digital ad seeking to tie Westchester County Repubilcan Executive Rob Astorino to President Trump and top conservative donor Robert Mercer.

Mercer recently donated $1 million to a Super PAC that is running ads supporting Astorino against Democratic opponent, state Sen. Geroge Latimer.

The new state Democratic funded ad links Astorinio to Mercer and his daughter Rebekah Mercer, Trump, and alt-right newssite Breitbart founder and former Trump aide Steve Bannon.

"They want Donald Trump running Westchester County through his buddy Rob Astorino," the ad says. "Fighting ultra conservatives in Washington is hard enough, so don't let Donald Trump bring his right-wing White House to Westchester."

Astorino is seeking a third term and is said to be considering another run for governor in 2018.

Astorino spokesman Bill O’Reilly charged that the new Democratic ad is an attempt to distract from Latimer‘s own problems. "George Latimer is a five-year tax deadbeat who owes $48,742 in school, county, and local property taxes,” O’Reilly said. “His car registration has been suspended for months for failure to pay more than $2,200 in parking tickets, and a boot was put on his car last week after he was caught illegally driving, then lying about it.”

He added: “Is it any wonder he wants to talk about Donald Trump?"

The digital ad linking Astorino to the Mercers is set to debut Thursday and comes months after the Daily News reported that state Dems were “salivating” at the chance to link Republican candidates to the conservative donors, especially in 2018, when Gov. Cuomo is expected to head a Democratic ticket that will include all statewide elected officials and every House and state legislative seat.

"After using their right-wing billions to bankroll the toxic twosome of Donald Trump and Steve Bannon, the Mercers have now set their sights on buying politicians and influence in New York. They're spending millions to try and sell the ultraconservative Trump agenda, but New York voters aren't for sale,” outgoing state Democratic Party Executive Director Basil Smikle said Wednesday. “New York is going to be on the frontline in 2018 in fighting back and exposing the Mercers and their nefarious political schemes."

Mercer could not be reached for comment.

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