Robodebt has got the ‘Scott Morrison haters out in force’ with calls for him to resign

11 months in news

The Royal Commission’s report into the failed Robodebt scheme has got the “Scott Morrison haters” out in force again with calls for the former prime minister to quit politics, according to Sky News host Chris Kenny.

Mr Kenny said strangely enough, many of Mr Morrison’s fiercest critics loved the COVID crackdown but lash at him over everything else and now they want him to be “forced out of parliament” because of Robodebt.

“It’s a pretty horrible pile on; even some of his colleagues are fuelling it,” he said.

“Just like anyone elected at the last election, he ought to be allowed and indeed ought to be expected to serve his full term in parliament.

“This attempt to hound him out, led, ironically enough, by a lot of people who say they aspire to a kinder, gentler polity, well, it’s the last thing we need in politics.”

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