October 2017 Homepage

over 6 years in Washington Diplomat

Cover Story
Envoy Says U.S. Remains Canada's'Best Friend,' Despite NAFTA Drama
Canadian Ambassador David MacNaughton proudly calls the U.S. his country's "best friend" and "closest ally." But he warns that friendship is a two-way street — and should not be taken for granted. So Canada has launched a full-court charm offensive to remind Americans how much they need their neighbor to the north, which is bound to them by geography, values, security and trade. Read More

Caribbean Islands Reel UnderBarrage of Deadly Hurricanes
Over a dozen Caribbean nations have been ravaged by a string of deadly hurricanes this year and face an uncertain future as they try to dig out from the devastation. From Antigua and Barbuda to Puerto Rico to St. Maarten, storms of monstrous size and intensity have ripped apart homes, shops, hotels and airports — upending the lives of millions of people. Read More

H-1B Backlash
Trump Looks to Overhaul H-1B VisaSystem for Skilled Foreign Workers
The immigration debate that roiled the 2016 election initially centered around President Trump's "beautiful" wall with Mexico, then shifted to his controversial travel ban and is now focused on "Dreamers." But there's a quieter, though no less consequential, debate taking place over the H-1B guest worker visa program. Read More

Trump Effect
Germany's Election Seen as WiderVerdict on Unpopular U.S. President
Germany's federal election at the end of September, in which Chancellor Angela Merkel won a historic fourth term, became a larger contest about Germany's role in the world, the enduring appeal of populism and Berlin's relations with Washington in an era of Donald Trump. Read More

Digital Dangers
Tech Giants Team Up to Take Terrorists, Extremists Offline
Social media has revolutionized how people connect and interact. But the darker side of this revolution is that it has made it easier for terrorist ideology to take root around the world, a dilemma governments and tech giants are struggling to grapple with. Read More

Book Review
Stavridis Dissects the ConnectionBetween Reading and Leadership
Adm. James Stavridis and R. Manning Ancell's book "The Leader's Bookshelf" surmises that organized and careful reading can strengthen leadership skills. They posit that many good leaders have been voracious readers and often attribute their success, at least in part, to books. Read More

Warzones and Dinner Parties
War Correspondent Reflects onBecoming an Ambassador's Wife
From working as a foreign correspondent covering conflict to entering the rarefied world of serving as a U.S. ambassador's spouse, Lynda Schuster's new memoir "Dirty Wars and Polished Silver" pulls back the curtain on two exciting, challenging ways of life. Read More

CDC Says Opioid Overdoses HaveCut Into U.S. Life Expectancy
Rising death rates from opioid abuse are chipping away at Americans' life spans, a U.S. government study finds. Between 2000 and 2015, researchers found that U.S. life expectancy increased overall — from nearly 77 years to 79 years. Read More

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