Football Daily In the bowels of Stamford Bridge, it seems, there isn’t much looking glass

حوالي سنة فى The guardian

Sign up now! Sign up now! Sign up now? Sign up now!Football Daily has spent the last few days enjoying a right good laugh at the expense of Chelsea co-owner Todd D’oh!ly. Yes, he’s sitting on $5.3bn, which is about £500, and we’re wrestling with the big questions of 2023 (bread or spread?). But just look at the state of this philanthropic multi-billionaire! As Chelsea prepare for a season-defining Big Cup match against Real Madrid, most of the talk is not of the players, or Frank Lampard’s win percentage in his second spell as manager, or even his draw percentage. It’s D’oh!ly, whose dressing-room pep talk after the defeat by Brighton on Saturday has leaked faster than b@nterous first-leg predictions from his overenthusiastic mouth. D’oh!ly reportedly called Chelsea’s season “embarrassing”, after which, according to the National Grid, there was a surge in pot/kettle analogies, and singled out one player – bought for big money in the last 12 months, and yes this stuff does write itself – for criticism. In the bowels of Stamford Bridge, it seems, there isn’t much looking glass. D’oh!ly’s combination of enthusiasm, power and ignorance are in danger of setting USA! USA!! USA!!!-UK football relations back 20 years, and they weren’t exactly thriving before he invited Jesse Marsch to hold his watery beer.So, Todd Boehly chats to the players after every game. Perhaps he could spare a minute to chat to us Chelsea fans – we’d love to hear the thinking behind buying an unmanageably large squad, but no one to score a goal, and having more managers in a season than Roman Abramovich could have dreamed of” – Mike Davis.After the weekend’s usual video-based officiating shenanigans, my son and I have decided to tentatively punt a better alternative. Rather than referring to a bunch of people in a shed, we humbly suggest referring to an ordinary football-watching person on a sofa with their Tin – arguably a better-versed authority – for a decision following several replays. It, of course would be known as BAR” – Peter Logan.This is an extract from our daily football email … Football Daily. To get the full version, just visit this page and follow the instructions. Continue reading...

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