Australians should ‘come first’ for gas but are being adversely affected by govt policy

over 1 year in news

Credit Suisse energy analyst Saul Kavonic says Australia should “come first” for local gas industries but current policy makes availability worse rather than better.

“Australia should come first, I don’t think there’s particularly much debate about that including by gas producers themselves,” Mr Kavonic told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“I think the real question first of all is, can Australians come first for gas if you’ve put the entire gas industry in terminal decline and then there’s no gas available for anyone?

“Secondly – is it really necessary to tear up the rules of the entire gas market and break contracts? There are actually much more nuanced and finessed ways to address this, to get the outcome we want which is more gas available domestically.

“I’m afraid the current policy’s actually likely to make gas availability for Australians worse rather than better.”

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