New Senate President to be chosen ‘soon’

over 1 year in TT News day

Senate Vice President Dr Muhammad Yunus Ibrahim said an announcement will be made about the Office of President of the Senate “at the appropriate time.”
The current Senate President, Christine Kangaloo, was nominated by the government to serve as President of the country when the five-year term of President Paula-Mae Weekes comes to an end. The Electoral College will convene on January 20, when a new President will be elected.
The Prime Minister made the announcement during a media conference at the Diplomatic Centre, St Ann’s, Port of Spain on Friday. If Kangaloo becomes President, it would leave the Office of President of the Senate vacant.
In a WhatsApp message, Ibrahim, who was appointed as Senate vice president in March 2022, congratulated Kangaloo on her nomination.
“She has been very generous with her time and knowledge during my tenure as vice president of the Senate. I know she will serve the country well in her new role.”
The Opposition has objected to Kangaloo given her membership in the PNM and past terms as a senator and government minister during past PNM administrations. They are expected to propose their own nominee by Monday.
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