Cudjoe praises tennis player Em Miryam Campbell Smith

over 1 year in TT News day

Trinidad and Tobago tennis player Em-Miryam Campbell-Smith was paid a special tribute to by Minister of Sports and Community Development Shamfa Cudjoe on Sunday.
Cudjoe’s praise came on the heels of the youngster qualifying for the San Jose Bowl Junior Tennis Tournament main draw, currently underway in Costa Rica.
Two wins from Campbell-Smith – the highest-ranked female player there – against Costa Ricans opposition in group four over the weekend propelled her into Monday’s main draw.
In the group matches, she swept Sofia Acuna 4-0, 4-0 and then followed up with another dominant 4-2, 4-2 display against Sofia Bolanos.
These wins saw Campbell-Smith top the group to advance.
She was scheduled to face another Costa Rican, Isabela Segnini, in a round of 16 tie on Monday, but up to press time, her result was not yet available.
The TT player will also partner with Guatemalan Alex Ramzzini for the women’s doubles event.
Cudjoe said, “Em-Miryam Campbell-Smith has done us all proud.
We are happy for you, and we appreciate how you have carried the colours of our nation’s flag with honour.
“Being the lone representative from TT at this competition makes you an encouragement to the other young athletes and sports enthusiasts in the country.”
Campbell-Smith leads a pack of five of the region’s top 20 girls, aged 14 and under, and she is ranked second in Central America and the Caribbean Tennis Confederation.
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