‘Entitled and small minded’ Netball Australia has cooked its ‘greatest golden egg’

over 1 year in news

Netball Australia is about to learn the lesson, "go woke and you go broke" the hard way, says Sky News host Chris Smith.

This comes after Gina Rinehart's mining company Hancock Prospecting withdrew its $15 million sponsorship, following a “whiney, whingey, woke campaign” by some members of the national netball team, the Diamonds.

“Those who instigated this campaign against Gina Rinehart are spoilt, entitled and small-minded brats,” Mr Smith said.

“And what does Gina Rinehart do in response ... she has the good grace to keep propping up Netball Australia for the next four months to help fill the gap, while this embarrassing organisation finds a new sponsor.

“By taking fake offence at Gina Rinehart's incredible generosity, they have just cooked their sport's greatest golden egg."

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