August 2017 Homepage

almost 7 years in Washington Diplomat

Cover Story
Veteran Envoy Carlos Gianelli:Uruguay Way Ahead of Its Time
Tiny Uruguay, wedged between relative giants Brazil and Argentina, has been punching way above its weight for years. The small country took on big tobacco — and won — while at the same time legalizing marijuana use, same-sex marriage and abortion, firmly establishing itself as a beacon of liberalism on a continent where some countries only recently allowed divorce. Read More

People of World Influence
James Dobbins Recalls Life of ForeignService, from Afghanistan to Vietnam
When James Dobbins joined the Foreign Service in 1967, the Vietnam War was in full swing. When he retired in 2014, U.S. troops were bogged down in Afghanistan. In between those two conflicts, Dobbins played a leading if behind-the-scenes role in some of the world's nastiest trouble spots, from Haiti to Bosnia to Somalia. Read More

Prodded by Trump, Canada, Mexico,U.S. Prepare to Renegotiate Trade Deal
This month, the U.S., Canada and Mexico can formally begin to renegotiate NAFTA, the landmark trade pact that President Trump has called a disaster. Despite Trump's disdain for NAFTA, negotiators are likely to modernize, rather than abandon, a deal that has integrated the North American market. Read More

Shoring Up Walls
Foreigners Wonder How ExtremeTrump's Extreme Vetting Will Be
As a candidate, Donald Trump repeatedly pledged to implement more "extreme vetting" of foreigners coming to the United States but was vague about what exactly that would entail. In a series of measures over the last several months, however, the president has made real his promise to increase government scrutiny of travelers to the U.S. Read More

East Africa Votes
Ethnic Fault Lines Simmer Below Surface of Rwanda, Kenya Elections
There are two elections in August that will decide the next presidents of two critical East African countries — Rwanda and Kenya, whose politics have long been plagued by ethnic rivalry and division. Read More

Defining Crazy
Old Rule Keeps Psychiatrists fromDiagnosing Trump's Mental Fitness
If nearly one in five persons in the U.S. experiences mental illness, then more than 100 members of our federally elected government suffer from a clinical mental condition at any given time. So why aren't psychiatrists allowed to speculate widely in the media on the mental stability of President Donald Trump? Read More

Global Vantage Point
Op-Ed: America's Waterways WouldBecome Less Great Under Trump
There's water, water everywhere in the U.S., but environmentalists say Republicans are washing away years of progress with bad policies. America's waterways are under threat from funding cuts, deregulation and science-deniers, including President Donald Trump. Read More

AIS: Ethiopia Today
Ambassador Girma Birru Talks AboutState of Ethiopia and U.S. Ties
Ethiopia, once synonymous with poverty and famine, is still desperately poor. Yet it also boasts one of the fastest-growing economies in Africa. Ambassador Girma Birru, speaking at his embassy on June 27 for The Washington Diplomat's latest Ambassador Insider Series (AIS), discusses the country's struggles with social and political unrest. Read More

Diplomatic Appointments
Diplomatic Spotlight

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