Boris Johnson takes a battering in what may be his last PMQs John Crace

almost 2 years in The guardian

Keir Starmer was in lethal form against the PM and Sajid Javid, despite oratorical deficiencies, was hardly less deadlyThe Sky News helicopter hovered above Westminster. The constant thrum an insistent death knell for any incumbent prime minister. Down below, a steady stream of junior ministers and parliamentary private secretaries – many of whom were barely known even by their own families – offered their resignations, while many no-mark backbenchers wrote letters of no confidence.When you’ve lost faithful toadies like Robert Jenrick and Tom Hunt as well as 2019 red-wallers, such as Lee Anderson and Jonathan Gullis, then the game is up. At this rate of attrition, Boris Johnson is going to have trouble filling all the available ministerial posts. Continue reading...

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