Post your questions for Dougray Scott

almost 2 years in The guardian

Got something you’d like to ask the Mission: Impossible and Deep Impact actor? Send it our way and we’ll put it to himThere’s aren’t many actors who can put “hand picked by Tom Cruise” on their CV. Scottish actor Dougray Scott was personally cast by TC to play rogue Impossible Missions Force agent and chief bad guy in 2000’s Mission: Impossible II – famous for that Cruise/Scott motorbike fighting scene. It’s a role that propelled the Twin Town and Deep Impact actor to international fame, even if it did mean he lost the role of Wolverine for 2000’s X-Men (to Hugh Jackman) after filming on MI2 overran. Scott was also apparently in the running to take over Bond in 2006’s Casino Royale, but was pipped to the post by Daniel Craig.But let’s not worry about all that. This is a safe, happy space where we can quiz the Scot on working with John Malkovich in 2002’s Ripley’s Game; Emilia Fox and Billie Piper in 2005 British caper Things to Do Before You’re 30; and Liam Neeson in 2014’s Taken 3. On the small screen, he has appeared in everything from Taggart and Batwoman to Desperate Housewives and the 2009 BBC adaptation of The Day of the Triffids, and played everyone from Moses to Dr Jekyll/Mr Hyde. Continue reading...

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