Reject the Opposition Leader’s comment

أكثر من سنتين فى TT News day

THE EDITOR: I am generally disappointed and saddened whenever politics descends into the realm of divisiveness, especially when it comes to the issue of race. However, after being made aware of the comment of the Opposition Leader on a political platform, I was particularly repulsed.
The “slave master’s name” comment is not only derogatory but highly offensive to an entire group of people whose ancestry can be traced to the dark and brutal days of slavery. In doing so, Kamla Persad-Bissessar has poured scorn and salt on the wound of a people who had a subjugated past.
The reprehensible comments by the Opposition Leader reeks of contempt for a group of people whose ancestors endured the brutality and horror of slavery. Using the “slave master’s name” as an insult is tantamount to victim shaming and is as unacceptable in a rum shop as it is on a political platform.
The fact that the Opposition Leader appears to lack these sensibilities towards an entire ethnic group should be cause for serious concern. She is the leader of a party which seeks to form the government of this country. She has been prime minister and aspires to be once more. How can she purport to represent an entire country, made up of a significant number of people against whom she holds these offensive views? In this regard Persad-Bissessar is unfit to lead.
This is a country consisting of a diverse range of ethnicities with significant numbers of people whose ancestors endured difficulties and, more importantly, survived, overcame and thrived. The seeds of divisiveness should not be propagated for political mileage.
I have not heard an apology from the Opposition Leader, nor have I heard condemnation within the party. However, as the national discourse takes root on this matter, we should all agree that such comments and the associated mindset be condemned and rejected in the strongest possible manner.
The post Reject the Opposition Leader’s comment appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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