Overturning Roe v Wade a ‘dangerous moment’ for American democracy

about 2 years in news

Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan says he believes women should be free to choose what they do with their bodies just like men.

His remarks come after a leaked draft opinion from the US Supreme Court revealed the landmark Roe v Wade abortion rights ruling may be thrown out by the conservative-leaning bench.

“Undoing Roe v Wade almost definitely indirectly harms the poorest women in American society who want an abortion,” Mr Morgan said.

“I believe that women should be free to choose what they do with their bodies, just as we men are.

“More importantly, the majority of Americans agree with me and support Roe v Wade.

“It seems to me a dangerous moment for American democracy when the Supreme Court goes against the will of the majority of its people on a matter of such personal freedom.”

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