Site identified in Gregory Park for Portmore market

over 2 years in Jamaica Observer

A location has been selected in Gregory Park for the construction of a modern market in Portmore, St Catherine.Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Desmond McKenzie made the disclosure while addressing a community meeting in Gregory Park square last Friday.He said the state-of-the-art facility will be built on a 12-acre property, to meet the need in the Portmore area."We will be building a modern market, and this market is for the benefit of the people of Portmore. Gregory Park has been chosen because the lands are there; we have the location right here," the minister said.McKenzie said that further details about the market will be provided when he makes his contribution to the Sectoral Debate in Parliament.Mayor of Portmore Leon Thomas said the Portmore Municipal Council was giving up the lands for the market as the authority is in support of the development.Member of Parliament for St Catherine East Central Alando Terrelonge said his constituents welcome the new development."As a Government it is not our intention to 'box food' out of anyone's mouth, but to provide an orderly way in which persons can sell their products and persons can purchase their necessary items," he stated.Meanwhile, Minister McKenzie announced that Gregory Park has been selected as one of the communities in Portmore to be included in the 'Paint the City, Paint the Town' project.The initiative is aimed at generating employment as well as beautifying and upgrading town centres.

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