‘It’s all a bit cynical’ the politicians behind the Tory attack on net zero agenda

أكثر من سنتين فى The guardian

Amid fears about the cost of living crisis, those opposed to government’s climate agenda appear to have sensed an opportunityTories fighting net zero plans are dragging climate into new culture war, experts sayIn the run-up to Christmas, as the UK government was frantically attempting to manage the latest wave of Covid infections, the Conservative MP and long-time agitator Steve Baker was apparently touring the tea rooms of parliament trying to persuade colleagues to sign up to his latest cause.The self-described Brexit hardman, who as the then head of the European Research Group had relentlessly harried Theresa May’s government over Brexit and then become a thorn in Boris Johnson’s side with his anti-lockdown Covid Recovery Group, had a new – and he believed potentially explosive – target: the government’s climate agenda. Continue reading...

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