Wider web has Sony created a whole new world of Spider Men?

over 2 years in The guardian

With a new ownership deal settled and the dazzling success of No Way Home, could Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire reprise their starring roles?This article contains spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way HomeSpider-Man swings from skyscraper to skyscraper, pirouetting and somersaulting across the skyline like a whirling dervish in zero gravity. He makes a sharp left and eventually slides through his Queens bedroom window before removing his mask and settling down into Peter Parker mode.But who is it beneath the red and blue suit? In the mainstream Marvel Cinematic Universe, it’s likely that Tom Holland will continue for some time to come, which has left rival studio Sony (which owns the big-screen rights to Spidey) with a longstanding problem: its superhero flicks set in the world of Spider-Man, such as the Tom Hardy-led Venom movies and the forthcoming Jared Leto film Morbius, are much weakened by the fact that the wallcrawler can’t actually turn up. Continue reading...

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