Jamaica Broilers brings glad tidings to staff

over 2 years in Jamaica Observer

JAMAICA Broilers Group Limited (JBG), across its local and overseas operations, designed a series of activities to engage both staff and community members.Activities included social media promotions, Christmas hat and sweater days, decorating competitions, community treats and care package distribution for the indigent and elderly.'The Best Dressed Chicken Feel the Joy, Live the Joy!' social media promotion kicked off the season on November 26 by inviting the public to share their joyful moments for an opportunity to win prizes. The response to the campaign was positive as Jamaicans, young and old, took the time to share their smiles, laughter and proud moments with The Best Dressed Chicken matching their good cheer with gifts such as $15,000 cash, Christmas goodie baskets, products, kitchen sets, and supermarket gift vouchers over a three-week span.On December 6, the group launched its internal '10 Days of Christmas' campaign giving employees across the operations a chance to share in the joy of the season. Each day members of staff were invited to join in various light-hearted activities, ranging from donning Christmas hats and sweaters, to competing in The Best Dressed desk competition, where they outfitted their workstations with Christmas decorations."Possibly the most exciting internal activity was our Christmas scavenger hunt which spanned two days with high participation from team members across our Jamaica and US operations."Though seemingly 'all for fun', Danah Cameron, Jamaica Broilers Group communications officer, pointed out, noting that the lighter activities served to keep staff engaged and motivated.Members of staff were also invited to give back to their communities with each operation selecting a special cause to share in. The Jamaica operations teams revived the Christmas edition of the company's "Share the Love" staff-volunteer initiative in partnership with the Spring Village Development Foundation and McCook's Pen Citizens Association, which saw team members packaging and distributing chicken and other food staples such as flour, cornmeal, rice, sardines and canned milk for more than 300 indigent and/or elderly residents of the Spring Village and McCook's Pen communities."It's my first time being a part of this [community activity] and I really enjoyed it. I'm especially glad to give a package to my dad and it's good to see all the elderly in the community come to their gate with a big smile to get their chicken and goods for the Christmas," said Michael Morris, grounds man, JBG.The US operations, being more widely spread, selected charities in the vicinity of a few of their facilities and members of staff brought in donations to be delivered to each.

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