World leaders bolster troubled Libya ahead of key election

أكثر من سنتين فى Jamaica Observer

PARIS, France (AP) - Libyan leaders reaffirmed Friday in Paris their commitment to ensure the success of the country's political process through long-awaited elections next month, a vote that world powers hope will pull the oil-rich North African nation out of its decade-old chaos.France hosted an international conference on Libya in the presence of US Vice-President Kamala Harris, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and other international and regional high-level officials.In a statement, participants expressed their support to holding "free, fair, inclusive and credible presidential and parliamentary elections" on December 24."We reiterate our commitment to the success of the Libyan political process," they said and added they "reject all foreign interferences in Libyan affairs."The participants also called for the withdrawal of mercenaries and foreign forces from Libya, as stipulated in last year's UN-brokered cease-fire that ended fighting between the country's rival factions.The Paris declaration comes a day after the forces headed by powerful military commander Khalifa Hifter pledged to initiate the withdrawal of the first batch of foreign fighters from areas they control. The group is expected to include 300 fighters who will return to their home countries under the supervision of the UN mission in Libya, the statement said."This is only a start, Turkey and Russia must withdraw without delay their mercenaries," French President Emmanuel Macron said.Libya's interim leaders, Mohammad Younes Menfi, head of the presidential council, and Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, co-presided over the conference with France, Italy and Germany.Dbeibah stressed the importance of putting in place "real guarantees of the acceptance of the results of these elections, and for there to be penalties for those who obstruct or refuse these results."Libya has been engulfed in chaos since a NATO-backed uprising in 2011 that toppled and killed longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi. The country was for years split between rival governments - one based in the capital, Tripoli, and the other in the eastern part of the country. Each side is backed by different foreign powers and militias.UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres in a video message said that, "Libya today is closer than it has been for many years to solving its internal crisis.""We cannot miss this opportunity," he added, warning that "any party that deliberately undermines or sabotages peace must be held accountable."Italy's Draghi called for an electoral law to be passed urgently to ensure that the election process is fair. "There needs to be an electoral law that ... must be passed in the next few days because it's urgent if you are going to hold elections on Dec 24th," he said at a news conference.The long-awaited vote still faces challenges, including unresolved issues over election laws and occasional infighting among armed groups. Other obstacles include the deep rift that remains between the country's east and west and the presence of thousands of foreign fighters and troops. The UN has estimated that there have been at least 20,000 foreign fighters and mercenaries in Libya over the past few years, including Russians, Syrians, Turkish, Sudanese, and Chadians.A leading rights group questioned Thursday whether Libyan authorities can hold free and fair elections. Human Rights Watch criticised what it said were Libya's restrictive laws that undermine freedom of speech and association, as well as the presence of armed groups accused of intimidating, attacking and detaining journalists and political activists.

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