UK politics live watchdog questions whether Greensill conflicts of interest were discussed

over 2 years in The guardian

Latest updates: National Audit Office says ‘no evidence’ issues with Lex Greensill’s role were considered by David Cameron’s governmentEustice implied the French president Emmanuel Macron could be playing to the crowd ahead of elections. He said Boris Johnson could raise the fishing row with Macron at the G20 in Rome.There are elections coming up in France, I’ve seen suggestions that might be a factor. But we have to deal with what we’re faced with here, which is France threatening us and actions that are completely disproportionate, are not acceptable, and would be a breach of the agreement that we have with them.That’s why we’re going to be raising that with their ambassador, raising it with the (European) commission.We don’t know what they’ll do, they said they wouldn’t introduce these measures until Tuesday probably at the earliest so we will see what they do. But, if they do bring these into place, well, two can play at that game and we reserve the ability to respond in a proportionate way.That is completely inflammatory and is the wrong way to go about things. We will see what they do on Tuesday but we reserve the right to respond in a proportionate way.It’s always open to us to increase the enforcement we do on French vessels, to board more of them if that’s what they’re doing to our vessels, there are other administrative things we can require of vessels.I’m not going to get into all the things we might do. If the French obviously do continue with this then yes we will take a proportionate response to that. Continue reading...

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