Paid parental leave in the firing line as Democrats squabble over the future of their legislative agenda

over 2 years in news

Democrats are desperately trying to cobble together an agreement to ensure President Biden's expansive infrastructure and social agenda can be passed this week.

The Senate has already passed a $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which has bipartisan support.

However, House progressive Democrats will not vote for the infrastructure bill unless the Senate votes for a massive $3.5 trillion 'human' infrastructure bill.

Democrats are now arguing over what should be omitted from the bill, which is called the 'Build Back Better' act.

Two Democrats, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, have vowed they will not pass the bill unless its price tag is reduced, prompting a damaging stale-mate.

Negotiations are ongoing on Capitol Hill with many high profile parts of the bill, such as paid family and medical leave, in line to be scrapped in order for the bill to pass.

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