US ‘spinning its wheels’ on climate policy ahead of Glasgow conference

over 2 years in news

The United States is “spinning its wheels” as President Joe Biden struggles to get his climate policy through the Senate ahead of the COP26 conference in Glasgow, says Sky News Washington correspondent Annelise Nielsen.

“They’ve got a few weeks before they're at Glasgow and need to say something impressive and they have just these two factions completely at war,” she told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“It’s come down to basically Joe Manchin from West Virginia and Bernie Sanders from Vermont and they represent the two extremes.

“Bernie Sanders wanted this whole Build Back Better plus package to be about $6 trillion in spending.

“Joe Manchin said, well $1.5 trillion should do it and you can carve out all those things that might make electricity more expensive and that’s a great way to keep those moderate voters happy as well.

“And they're not getting anywhere, they're still in crisis talks over the next week

“So at the same time Australia's feeling all this pressure the US seems very unlikely to deliver anything unless they can sort their own home out.”

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