Yellowfin review – shocking testimony from a world with empty oceans

over 2 years in The guardian

Southwark Playhouse, LondonThree senators at a hearing in Washington DC try to find out where all the fish have gone in Marek Horn’s smart but deliberately frustrating one-room playTuna has never had so much stage time. Marek Horn’s new play Yellowfin takes us into a world close to ours, a couple of decades after all the fish have disappeared and everyone is obsessed with finding out why. But it isn’t really about the fish. With the same whip-smart dialogue as Horn’s brilliant debut, Wild Swimming, Yellowfin is about false truths, desperate hopes and the myths we build around them.At one end of a pristine US courtroom, sit three senators (Nancy Crane, Nicholas Day, Beruce Khan), smartly dressed, their papers stacked neatly in front of them. On the other side of the space, lower down and slightly ragged, sits Calantini (Joshua James), a former dodgy fish dealer reluctantly being questioned about his slippery past. Continue reading...

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