Climate crisis and public opinion

almost 3 years in The Irish Times

Sir, – I disagree with Jerry MacEvilly (Letters, October 11th) about your recent piece on climate change (“Voters oppose many climate action measures”, News., October 8th). Your piece did everyone a favour by making it clear that the public is “committed” to tackling climate change provided their jobs, incomes and lifestyles are not affected. Just look at the nonsense that went on over water charges, which were not excessive. Almost nothing gives rise to more humbug than the politics of climate change. Just to take two examples. I haven’t heard of any government banning the sale of SUVs to all but those who need them. And what are the chances of our Government slapping taxes on air travel to discourage it by making a flight to Spain cost €1,000 instead of €150? The public might of course say that if 20,000 people can descend on Glasgow for COP 26 (as expected) and generate enough heat to light the city while there, why should the public pay more for a flight to Lanzarote? In fairness, they would have a point. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 6.

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