Derek Chauvin, the former cop who murdered George Floyd, lodges appeals against his conviction

over 2 years in news

Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer jailed for 22-and-a-half years for the murder of George Floyd has appealed against his conviction.

The case made global headlines, sparked protests and inspired a conversation in the US about police brutality.

Chauvin was convicted after a video showed him with his knee on the neck of Mr Floyd, a black man, for more than nine minutes while arresting him on 25 May 2020.

Mr Floyd was being arrested on suspicion of using a fake $20 note but he was handcuffed, restrained, and repeatedly called out "I can't breathe" before he died.

In sentencing Chauvin, Judge Peter Cahill said he had gone beyond the 12-and-a-half-year jail term prescribed under state guidelines, citing Chauvin's "abuse of a position of trust and authority and also the particular cruelty" shown to Mr Floyd.

The case re-energised the Black Lives Matter movement, with protests across the US and in other countries against racial inequality and police brutality.

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