‘Range of different factors’ why Victoria recorded more cases

almost 3 years in news

Premier Daniel Andrews has been pressed on why Victoria had 766 cases on day 50 of its outbreak compared to New South Wales’ 260 at the same time.

“A whole range of different factors. They didn’t go through what we went through last year. That may be one reason,” Mr Andrews during a media conference on Thursday.

“I think fatigue in our community is a very real thing. That’s why it’s so hard. But it’s so important we just see this thing through. It’s only a few weeks we’ll be able to end this lockdown. Please, go and get vaccinated, it’s our pathway out. It’s how we get the place open.

“We can never be definitive about it, chains of transmission, the way things spread. There’s an element of chance and good fortune or otherwise in these things also.

"Probably the speed with which they got to that 50 per cent and other double dose thresholds. We’re not having a go at them.

“I think some of those things do start to shape the curve of this thing. Our main thing now is we’ve all got to work as hard as we can to make sure the numbers don’t continue to grow really fast.”

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