Daniel Andrews has ‘led Victoria into civil disorder’ Andrew Bolt

almost 3 years in news

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has "led his state into civil disorder," according to Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

"A huge rally in Melbourne today, mainly of construction workers," Mr Bolt said.

"A rally protesting against Andrews' shutdown of his state and against his demands to these workers to get vaccinated or lose their jobs.

"But this protest was more than that, this was also a revolt against being bullied, against being lied about and smeared.

"It was a protest against being betrayed by their politicians and the union bosses that they've paid to defend them.

"Let me make very clear, I am against political violence and thuggery, I am against attacking police, I am for vaccines, and a lot of what I saw today I didn't like.

"But you can push people only so far, and Premier Daniel Andrews has now pushed, and pushed, and pushed people beyond endurance.

"Come out, Daniel Andrews, look what you've done to your state ... look and resign."

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