September 11 commemorations will be an ‘extremely emotional week’ for the US

almost 3 years in news

Sky News Washington Correspondent Annelise Nielsen says the commemorations marking 20 years since the September 11 attacks will be an “extremely emotional week” for the United States.

“Well one of the really interesting things to see happening this week is a lot of the stories are coming out to look at the analysis of the past 20 years and we’re not seeing a lot of imagery of the actual day,” she told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

“And it shows just how emotional this still is for Americans, how it’s still such a traumatising event in US history.

“This is going to be an extremely emotional week for the US but now they're looking at kind of that new legacy of what this meant for America.

“Now that there was this line drawn in the sand by Joe Biden saying every troop had to be out by 9/11 and what’s happened in Afghanistan in the past few weeks, there's this new legacy going forward with so many Americans now welcoming Afghan refugees into their homes.”

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