11 year old Annalise ‘Rap Anna’ Azeez wants to rap with Nicki Minaj

almost 3 years in TT News day

At just 11 years old Annalise Esther Azeez is already putting in the work to make her dream to be a famous rapper come true.
Going by the stage name Rap Anna, the singer told Newsday Kids, when asked to describe herself, “I’m full of ambition and I am on a mission” in an interview on the launch of her first music video on YouTube.
The lyrics of her debut single Unstoppable reflects her determination and desire to achieve all her goals.
[caption id="attachment_911172" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Rap Anna's video Unstoppable debuted on July 23. -[/caption]
Through her music, she wants to inspire an entire generation to also be great.
The music video premiered on July 23 and has since attracted over 5,700 views. The song is a reminder to all children that it is cool to work hard at school and with some determination they can become anything they dream of.
Annalise also encouraged young people to have a positive mindset, ignore negativity and always keep trying.
She only discovered this talent in her free time during the pandemic.
“I describe my style of rapping as hip-hop rapping. I always liked rap music. In my first attempt to rap I was featured in the song Beautiful Guyana with my dad and soon after we entered the 2021 National Chutney Monarch competition in Guyana. It was then after I realised, I wanted to continue my rapping career.”
[caption id="attachment_911170" align="alignnone" width="683"] Annalise Esther Azeez, whose stage name is Rap Anna, dreams not only of being an international rap star but wants to be a chef as well. -[/caption]
Annalise was born in Trinidad and currently lives with her parents, brother and sister in Guyana. Her father, Anil Azeez, is a popular chutney gospel artiste there.
“My journey as a rapper so far has been awesome. I started rapping at the age of ten. Being in school and following my rap career I’m pretty busy but I schedule a time to practise my performances.
“I would say about 20 per cent of my time goes into rapping. Every day I schedule myself to make my routine flexible so that I can practise my raps and write my songs without taking away time from my studies; work hard stay focus.”
At school, she said, she portrays “the heart of a champion.”
“I’m funny, a bit tough, but cool like lemonade.”
Annalise has a big personality and many goals, one of which includes working alongside Trinidad-born US-based rapper Nicki Minaj.
“If I had one wish it would be to do a collaboration with Nicki Minaj. I would be honoured to meet her in real life. I would be so excited if this opportunity arises because of our similarities in us both being born Trinidadians and we’re in the rapping field of the music industry.”
[caption id="attachment_911174" align="alignnone" width="683"] In her song Unstoppable Annalise 'Rap Anna' Azeez encourages young people to not let anything stop them from achieving their dreams. -[/caption]
She said it takes a significant amount of time, effort, and support from her parents, to enhance her craft.
“I have to do a lot of dance rehearsals, reciting of speeches, staying focused and confidence gets me prepared for my performances… I’m always nervous. I always hope I don’t make any mistakes in my performance. These thoughts always cross my mind.”
When she’s not working on her music, Annalise enjoys spending time with her family.
“I enjoy cooking, gaming with my brother, spending time with my dog, golfing, boxing and going to the beach – it’s my all-time favourite.”
She also enjoys acting and making others laugh.
“I’m a natural comedian so I would have you laughing till you drop.”
But though rapping is her passion, her true goal is to one day become an international chef.
“In the next five years, I see myself most confident in becoming a successful rapper, along with that I also see myself finishing school, attending university and then to culinary school in becoming a chef.”
It’s merely over a year since she started her journey as an aspiring rapper, but Annalise already feels as if rap has become a big part of her.
“I’m very proud of myself at this age and stage of my rapping career but of course, there are so many possibilities for becoming greater, I believe all things are possible with God. The sky is the limit so I’m aiming high.”
As she continues her quest to be the best, she can be Annalise promises the world that she “won’t stop until they see me on the big screen.”
The post 11-year-old Annalise ‘Rap Anna’ Azeez wants to rap with Nicki Minaj appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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