Patricia Gets Ready (for a Date With the Man That Used to Hit Her) review – bold and brilliant

about 3 years in The guardian

Pleasance at EICC, EdinburghAngelina Chudi gives a powerful performance as she tackles the contradictory, confusing experience of meeting an abuserWe’ve all done it. You bump into a significant person unexpectedly and instead of saying what’s been on your mind, you blurt out nothing but inanities. Standing there in her Lycra shorts and tie-dyed top the day she comes face-to-face with her former abuser, Angelina Chudi’s Patricia could hardly look less in control of the conversation.She manages a “Hi” and hates herself for it. But what exactly could she say? Martha Watson Allpress’s play is an attempt to articulate an experience that can’t be articulated. How to put into words the contradictory impulses, the emotional confusion, the anger and the hurt? Continue reading...

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