NSW Education Minister Safety and wellbeing of students of ‘highest importance’

almost 3 years in news

NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell has defended the “incredible work” of the education sector throughout the pandemic, telling a parliamentary inquiry the government has had to find an “appropriate balance” between safety and learning.

Ms Mitchell said the safety and wellbeing of students is of “highest importance” to the government.

“I think it’s important that committee members are aware that of course the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff continues to be the highest importance to me as minister, to the department, and to the government,” she said.

“Our purpose as an education system, and particularly for me as minister, remains to deliver the best possible education outcomes for our students and that’s my job.

“We know that the best teaching and learning occurs when we’re face-to-face and we know that for a lot of our students, school is a very safe place for them, and, at times, the safest place in their community, and their school plays a central role in terms of our students’ wellbeing as well.

“So as the COVID-19 situation has evolved, we’ve had to adapt, we’ve had to maintain an appropriate a balance between those elements of safety, of teaching and learning and also access to wellbeing support.”

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