NSW return to school ‘depends’ on case numbers and vaccination levels

almost 3 years in news

New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian says getting children back to school is one of the government’s priorities but will depend on case numbers and the level of vaccination in the community.

"In terms of schools going back, that depends on case numbers and rates of vaccination and also what the virus is doing," she said.

“I know this is little consolation for the eight local government areas, but in the main, we have managed to keep the virus out of the regions so all the kids there are face-to-face.

“The two priorities remain for us getting kids back to face-to-face learning and to allow parents or adults to get back to the workplace.

“We're conscious that parents in particular need to be able to plan ahead.

“Whenever we have any definitive health advice around that, we will provide that.”

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