Purging fringe groups will not help Labour unite its factions Letters

about 3 years in The guardian

This can only add grist to the mill of those who perceive a campaign to drive out former Jeremy Corbyn supporters, writes David Parker. Plus letters from Thelma Walker and Bruce Whitehead
What on earth will be achieved by a purge of four insignificant far-left groups barely known to most members of the Labour party (Keir Starmer expected to back purge of far-left Labour factions, 18 July)? It can only add grist to the mill of those who perceive a campaign to drive out former Jeremy Corbyn supporters. Political energy would be more profitably expended if it was put into efforts to bring the socialist and social democratic tendencies in the Labour party together behind a practical programme for government that all could support.
Purging a few fringe groups is a distraction from this much more urgent task.David Parker Meltham, West Yorkshire Continue reading...

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